The Mission Parent Council provides insight and recommends actions based on community needs and concerns. The parent council serves to guide the work, address existing needs and champion efforts in the community.

The Council has three principal roles in the MPN initiative:

Build Community Voice and Leadership

  • Represent community interests and voice community needs.
  • Recommend solutions and actions to improve the neighborhood.
  • Influence systemic and structural change in the community.
  • Help develop structures and processes within MPN.

Engage in Community Agreements

  • Create the space for hearing concerns connected with the initiative and take the first steps towards addressing them.

Act as an MPN Ambassador

  • Promote MPN in the community and provide testimonials on the importance of MPN.

Why should you participate?

  • Be a part of an exciting community-change initiative to increase opportunities for children and families in the Mission.
  • Contribute to MPN decision-making process as the voice of the community and make sure we collectively achieve results.
  • Make your voice heard.
  • Build relationships and community with others in your neighborhood.
  • Expand, exercise and build leadership skills.


  • Meals and child care will be provided at each meeting.
  • To honor your participation, there will be a family celebration at the end of the year and you will receive a certificate of service.


  • Meet twice per month for six months.
  • Meet for two hours on date decided by majority.
  • Attend MPN community events.

To get started, please contact:
Susana Gil-Durán
(415) 469-1770


(415) 569-2699
2301 Mission Street, Suite 304
San Francisco, CA 94110

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